A Summer of Community, Connection, and Change
District 2 is ready for experienced, engaged leadership
These summer months have not been about fundraising or stoking the flames of partisan politics, but connecting with our community and discussing real policy for improving quality of life for Buncombe County.
I’m knocking doors and meeting neighbors because our elected officials can only be a voice for the community if they’re engaged and listening. The status quo isn’t enough anymore.
You spoke, and we listened. District 2 and NC-11 are ready for change!
I’m focused on the local issues because District 2 deserves experienced, active leadership. Attracting better paying jobs, building a safer community, protecting our lands, and standing up for our students and teachers cannot wait; we need action NOW.
I’m ready to stand up and fight for Buncombe County, but I can’t do it alone. Are you with me?
Follow our work on Facebook and Instagram: @MartinForBuncombe; Twitter: @Martin4Buncombe