Going to Work for Buncombe County

“This race is about the people of Buncombe County. It’s time we listen to our neighbors and give ALL of District 2 a voice.”

This summer was about connection, change, and commitment. We’ve been knocking doors and meeting neighbors all across Buncombe County, from the Candler to Shiloh, and one thing is clear: my neighbors are ready for change.

My team and I have been out in full force, chatting with voters about how we can fight for our working families and building bridges to show folks that I am focused on what matters most to YOU: a safer community, better infrastructure, and quality schools.

On Thursday, I spoke at the Coalition of Asheville Neighbors Forum, discussing affordability and the cost of living in Buncombe, bringing higher paying jobs to Western North Carolina, and preserving our mountains and green spaces. While my opponent focused on fear tactics and platitudes, I offered plans for how we can support our working families and our retired communities while combating skyrocketing property taxes.

On Friday, I attended the Council on Independent Business Owners County Commissioners forum and discussed the realities of Buncombe County and how we put politics aside, find common ground, and support our community. The Citizen Times wrote a piece on the forum, you can check it out here.

This race is about community and real solutions, not excuses. As your County Commissioner, I’ll assure that our community has an effective, strong voice representing southwest Buncombe.

Are you with us?

Support Martin for County Commissioner!

Volunteer here


To learn more about Martin Moore’s campaign, you can visit www.MartinForBncombe.com

Find Facebook and Instagram: @MartinForBuncombe | Twitter: Martin4Buncombe


Endorsement Alert: S.M.A.R.T.


A Summer of Community, Connection, and Change