Putting Buncombe First

This weekend, we teamed up with Team Jasmine, Sheriff Miller, Commissioners Parker Sloan and Amanda Edwards, Register of Deeds Drew Reisinger, and an amazing group of volunteers to get our message out: we’re fighting for an inclusive, stronger Buncombe together.

When we’re out knocking doors, it’s not just about sharing our vision for Buncombe, it’s about showing our neighbors that we hear them. We’re having great conversations with neighbors in the Hominies and Bent Creek and sitting down with our friends in Shiloh and making sure that EVERY part of our community is represented,.

Martin before Bent Creek canvass; preparing to meet neighbors in Buncombe

We’re spending every day between now and Election Day connecting with our neighbors, discussing policy, and focusing on the future of Buncombe.

We WANT your voice to be heard. We’ll be making calls, showing up to the polls and working to make sure our neighbors know they will have a strong, engaged voice on County Commission!

Are you with us?

Support Martin for County Commissioner!

Volunteer here


To learn more about Martin Moore’s campaign, you can visit www.MartinForBuncombe.com

Find Facebook and Instagram: @MartinForBuncombe | Twitter: Martin4Buncombe




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